New players often ask what they will need to bring with them for MouseAdventure. There are some basic items that every team should bring with them to ensure a smooth day of puzzling. There are also extras that we’ve seen experienced teams use that provide a competitive edge. Let’s start with the basics.
The Basics
- Clipboards: You will be moving around, reading, and writing at the same time. Trust us, you need one. Maybe even bring one for each member of their team.
- Pens and/or pencils: We don’t provide writing instruments, and you will need to fill in your answer sheets with something. Pencils with erasers are very helpful for correcting mistakes.
- Scrap paper: Sometimes you just need extra paper to work through a challenging quest.
- Water: Weather during MouseAdventure can be hot, and dehydration is not conducive to good decision making. Bringing a refillable bottle will save you the most money and. Of course, bottle water is also available for purchase.
- Small snacks: Don’t get hangry. You will probably work up an appetite during the event, and our most competitive teams do not waste valuable time to stop for a meal.
Now that we have that out of the way, here are some items that could come in handy and give you a little extra edge.
The Extras
- Sheet protectors: Sometimes it’s hot for MouseAdventure, and sometimes it rains. Sheet protectors help keep papers dry. In addition, using dry erase markers on them allows for some trial and error puzzle solving without affecting the original sheets themselves.
- Highlighters and colored pens: Some teams use these to identify important items in the instructions, mark potential hidden quest clues, or otherwise call out separate portions of a puzzle while solving.
- Straight edge: A plastic ruler or other non-metal item can come in handy when you need to draw a straight line between two items on a page. We suggest avoiding metal to prevent issues at security screening.
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Comments 2
Regarding water, folks can also refill themselves any containers they have from the many water stations throughout Disneyland. The ones I know of are at Rancho del Zocalo, Galactic Grill, outside the Autopia exit, and two in Batuu/Galaxy’s Edge.
Tape! Came in REALLY handy for the puzzle clue a few years ago!