Awesome game as usual – Team Plutonium had a great time. Unfortunately had to leave as soon as we turned in, so missed the post-game gathering. Anything especially good/interesting shared there?
As soon as I saw the “random letter” pin on our first orange vest person, I was reminded of the hidden quest from the Trick or Treat game awhile back (the ears on the “draw Trick or Treat pins” pumpkins at the MA Station each had a word and putting them together gave something like “Name of Jack’s Ghost Dog”). Was so excited when it actually worked – found the HQ in the first game I played (~10 years ago) and haven’t found it during the game since – came soooo close last game so it was great to finally get it.
Shortpix – I’m guessing (which is dangerous as it’s very close to assuming…) that Advanced teams got three extra quests – Critical Path (the second redwood creek one), Formwork (Lego Store), and the GotG decoding one. Guess based on those three quests being listed after Trivia/Eye Spy/Picture Quest on the quest packet, the lack of instructions for two of those three, and something Joe said about Adv. teams not blocking Cast Member entrances (the sign at the CM entrance next to GotG was in both Eng and the code).
Once tallying is complete and you have the breakdowns… I’m curious how many teams attempted the LEGO Store quest and how many teams found/got the hidden quest?